Amputated Arms
QUESTION: How does a person with amputated arms wipe? I'm not trying to be funny or mean. I've been wondering for days, and nobody seems to know.
Blah, blah, blah blah, blah blah. Nonsense, which at the time, seems to make sense to write about. Poems that I write on bar napkins that I don't want to lose.
SICKO ha ha. Or maybe a slide made of toilet paper that goes down in front of the toilet like a ramp. When they're all done they just slide down to the floor. If the poop streak ends before the bottom of the slide, they're clean. If it's streaking all the way down, time to slide again! Repeat until clean.
Maybe the have guide dogs, like blind people, for them. I mean, dogs lick their own asses.
That's definitely a possiblity. They do enjoy their own a** very much and they're always sniffing people's. A Licking A** dog. Hmmm.
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