Thursday, September 08, 2005

NEW site and TAG (Thank ya The Muse)

Gorgeous hottie, The Muse, tagged me on Tuesday with 3 Wants, 3 Tags, but don't tell her I didn't check her website that day (me so so sorry, lady, forgive?) 1st round of mojito's is on me!

"And", "So", "Anyway" and "Anyhoo"....check out the NEW site called DinnerRoll by Rockerscience! It's COOL, it's IRONICAL, it' the link shown above! Debauchery is only 1 click away.


Fun! Let's play!!!

3 Wants, 3 Tags


1. I want to have a more positive outlook on everything. Even though a lot of times I feel positive and am in a good mood, I'm still cross examining life with a negative magnifying glass wondering where the fault of a situation lies. Some call it descernment, but I take it a little too far.

2. I want to see my plans of joining a gym and getting a personal trainer carried out. Everybody's doing it, and yes, I would jump off a bridge as long as the water's deep underneath! I'm not gonna break my neck goofs!

3. I want to write for a TV Show. I'm also open to starring in the said TV Show. Marcy Engleman would you like to be my publicist? Jim Connoly would you like to be my agent? Let's do a conference call with the networks aight? Seriously, I would like to perfect my writing style and apply that to a career in showbiz. It's what I like to do, so I might as well get paid for it, ya know?

TAGS if ya wanna: Video X, Drink More Jack, and Allison


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh those are good wants.

1. hurts my brain. makes me think. i'm on a break from thinking right now.

2. yes! that's hilarious. i would do the same thing. i'm a follower any day.

3. i might even start watching tv if you were writing. that would kick ass.

9/08/2005 3:37 PM  
Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

good post. Just passing through, cool blog by the way.

9/08/2005 5:02 PM  
Blogger Webmiztris said...

oooh, I'd definitely watch your show!! unless it sucked of course. ;)

9/08/2005 5:55 PM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

How awesome would it be to see you on tv?!

As for the gym...yeah...we procrastinate about buying a membership and getting the trainer but then after you pay the money you only end up going for like the first month and start making excuses not to go.

9/08/2005 7:01 PM  
Blogger DrinkJack said...

Ah, fuck.

You don't need a trainer, you are walking your ass off while saving gas, right? I sure hope so, because I am assuming that your lack of driving is making up for my gas guzzling truck.

9/08/2005 9:21 PM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

video x - that would be awesome if you watched my show! (I'm all excited like this is really going to happen tomorrow, and everyone knows it takes at LEAST a week to get a TV Show!)

the humanity critic - thanks for the comp and thanks for stopping by, pop in anytime!

webmiz - If I sucked (which I couldn't possibly) I wouldn't watch myself either! I'd be out getting trashed drowning my suckitity in booze. LOL

linny - yeah, I've joined 3 gyms in the past and would go off and on. I guess I could just hold out until the holidays and eat a bunch (that's what I usually do when I get this urge)

drink more jack - Uh oh, I'm using up the nation's fuel reserves cuz I'm not walking to work anymore, but I do still go walking afterwork. You're right who needs some musclehead yelling at me for eating at Chipotle 3 days in one week. Screw that healthy eating shit!

9/09/2005 11:44 AM  
Blogger Jerrster said...

Hell Yeah I'd watch your show.

you are also right about how hot "the muse" is I must say.

working out regularly will get you into a positive frame of time for negative thinking when you're busy bitching about sore muscles...I find.

9/09/2005 1:34 PM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

jerry - hmmm, I sure do love to've singlehandedly talked me back into joining a gym!

9/10/2005 12:50 PM  
Blogger Fred said...

Remember the Seinfeld episode when Jerry & George were caught looking at the bobbies of the NBC honcho's daughter? As long as you don't do that, you may have a chance as a writer.

9/10/2005 3:10 PM  
Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

As VX said, I would watch your show... even though I rarely watch currently.

My wants? I know you didn't ask, but I'm gonna tell you anyway!

1. To live to an old old age, despite all the smoking, drinking, and carrying on.

2. I want 15 minutes of fame... at LEAST! (put me in your show!!)

3. I want to write something worth reading... worth paying $7 for in paperback form. If I were published, then I could justify all my computer time... I'm not blogging... I'm WORKING! Wouldn't that be grande?!

9/10/2005 7:52 PM  
Blogger Fred said...

That would be "boobies" up there, not bobbies.

9/11/2005 9:02 AM  
Blogger Darcey said...

Hi, honey!
If it makes you feel any better, I'm just now getting around to see the fact that you didn't readmy blog when I tagged you. But I was so busy that I had to bring in a guest blogger, so I kinda had an excuse. And then football this weekend.

Consider us even. If you come down here, I'll make you lasgna, mojitos & chocolate sammiches for dessert to make it up to you. ;)

9/11/2005 11:26 PM  
Blogger Red said...

You had me at mojitos!

9/12/2005 12:17 AM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

fred - Yeah! I thought of that episode, and chances are my show would be very much about nothing and the hilarity that lies within. I thought you might have meant boobies, most NBC execs don't have British royal guards (the visual on that's pretty funny instead, though!) ;)

rachael - Whoa I'm getting an audience (YES!!!)

1. old as in 100, or just like 75? I say go for it! (I said it like it's a major choice)

2. I'll write you in! I can't do it a good cast will be essential!

3. your blog is worth could definitely write a book something along the lines of Sedaris with essays of family happenings or things in your life. And...even if you didn't watch my show, I'd read your book!

the muse - now now, don't wear yourself out beautiful! But you sho' do treat me nice :)

red - aren't mojito's awesome?!!!!

9/12/2005 7:59 AM  

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