Tuesday, October 18, 2005


....well THAT'S not Tears For Fears!

Uhm, I think the title says it all. Ok, now the meat of the story. I'm a certified flight attendant.....for some reason the idea has been with me since I was 18, but most airlines don't hire unless you're 19 or 20. Well, I kinda forgot about it when I moved to NYC at 20 cuz I was making a shitload of money which afforded me the leisure travel. Ok, really I was just charging it and still spending the rest of my money on food, drinks, and of course, cocktails of other sorts - think letters in the alphabet and I'm sure I could associate it with something I ingested. That is neither here nor there. Those days are over, and I sat my ass behind the screen of a computer for basically 8 years. 8 years. That seems like almost a decade....BECAUSE IT IS! Traveling and seeing the world is what I've always wanted to do.....so about 4 months ago.........

I was racking my brains as to what a fella like myself could do to see the world. I could pay 3,000 bucks, that I don't have to become a truck driver like my dad. However, I've ridden with him on trips before and hauling a 53 foot trailer around doesn't allow much exploration unless you like the warehouse districts of cities. I thought about being a riverboat worker like my uncle and late grandfather did......but rolling on the river, though, cool in the 70's just doesn't seem to say "yipppeeeee" to me in the 2000's. There's always an ocean going vessel the Cruise Ship to work on too, but since I've not been on one, I wasn't sure if I'd be seasick for 8 months. The only option, the only choice was... the air! And not the air filling the void between my ears...NOPE! The air filling the space at 37,000 feet, yes, 7 miles and 60 feet. I'm a flight attendant.

Training for this job was insane. It was 6 days on, with one day off for 3 weeks. There was a test almost daily requiring a 90% or better to pass. The class started with 44, at graduation there were 26. The first week saw a few coke, pot, and smack smokers weeded out. (huh huh, I said weed). Then a few background checks based upon criminal fingerprints saw a few more gone. And there were sleepers.....they didn't like sleeping in class OH NO.....(though it was slightly hard not to do at times). But the saddest were my friends....gone because they couldn't grasp a concept or memorize 4 pages of emergency procedures. I'm still sad that some of these people are gone from the commraderie. Sure they can go elsewhere, but you really want to see your friends succeed and be there with you. Especially after such a battering.

Ok, so that's it. I'm a flight attendant and I have my wings attached to my blazer. I know how to do CPR, I know how to use an automated external defibrillator. I know that a "seat cushion can be used for floation in the unlikely event of a water landing" and I can decipher most Eastern US airport codes. And.....I know for the next few weeks my mind is going to process all that's happened over the past 2 months......change. Change is good. Change is sometimes stressful, but change is change and it is what it is. I have to reassure myself daily that I'm going positively going forward because my tendancy to shy away in the middle of a great event for fear of the "what if" sometimes creeps in causing regression. That can't happen. It won't happen. Nothing at this point is regression. It's change. (for some reason the song Chain Chain Chain Chain of fools comes to mind...cuz you can say "Change change, change, change ya fool")

Alrighty....what else? Oh, maybe I'll be coming to a city near you! More updates to come.....eventually they'll be more regular too. Upheaval of life still in process....so.....until then....come fly with me...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my gosh! didnt expect you posting so soon again.

right on! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! i am so happy for you that your efforts paid off. must have been all that thinking you did while walking to work.

SOOOOOOOOO...when we fly, where can we expect to fly with you? or are you not allowed to say which airline? or maybe you cleverly put it in your post and i didnt get it. or maybe you blatantly put it in your post and i missed it all together?


10/18/2005 4:39 PM  
Blogger Becky said...

Awesome, simply awesome. I wanted to do that as well, I went to a prep school for it but it looked like a scam so I didn't follow through. Not to mention, two weeks later 9/11 happend and I thought OK NEXT ! I want to travel so bad. My soul yearns to see whats out there (dramatic much?) I really do. Good for you for stepping out of your comfort zone and changing, you grow from this. Seriously...good job.
Oh this icon I use is actually Gwen Stefani, not me...but thanks :)

10/18/2005 7:07 PM  
Blogger DrinkJack said...

Kick ass! Congratulations. Hard work, but well deserved.

10/18/2005 7:52 PM  
Blogger I'm not even supposed to be here today said...

good thing I saw you on VX's site... I thought you were gone forever. Congrats on teh good news man! Enjoy the free travel!

10/19/2005 3:58 AM  
Blogger Tim Hillegonds said...

Nice Job big dawg. Flying the friendly skys. Thank god they havent figured out you have a blog or you may have incriminated yourself a few times. So I've always wanted to know. Is it acceptable to use a defibrillator on a freind who has passed out from drinking too much.

10/19/2005 9:41 AM  
Blogger Darcey said...

STAL, my dahling, that's awesome!!!! Congrats!!!

Now, I have one question: Can I be your Atlanta (air)port girl? ;)

10/19/2005 2:15 PM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

Video - I agree, it was all that walking and thinking and clearing of my mind that allowed mucho revamping of brain capacity receptors. And...you can fly w/ me anywhere in the Eastern US, Tornoto, and Nassau (currently) that may change and expand. Thanks for the congrats!

Becky (Gwennie) - life is a blast with lots of drama, so dramatize away, Your Gorgeousness. I can understand the 9/11-not-wanting-to-fly. I was on pins and needles when I flew Jan 02, then dumbass me...I asked to see the cockpit. I'm surprised I didn't get duct taped to my chair. Go for your dreams though!!!! There are many other jobs that travel! Thanks for the "good job" and commenting :)

drink more jack - definitely deserved! Why'd I wait so long? Who knows.

becky (Aloha) - Pretty close on that assumption (the company I'm flying for contracts to American Connection). However, Seattle isn't a current stop, but as they say, "wait a minute and things could change". Either way, I can still fly out there for free in a few months, so be ready to show me Seattle, I've always wanted to see the Northwest!

rachael - gone forever? Me? It will take more than training to get me to stop blogging! Thanks for the congrats!

timmortal - Right on brotha, it is good they haven't read this blog, I'd be in hot water. Defibs shouldn't be used to revive a vodka overdose. A tazer gun is much more suitable. Yes. Yes indeedy! But if you ever come across my ass passed out from too much to drink....you may need Frankenstein's lightening contraption to wake me up.

the muse - thanks bebe! Of course you can be my Georgia Port Peach Girl. Gosh, the images of you meeting me at the airport with a picnic basket full of peaches could inspire a novel.....;)

10/19/2005 4:54 PM  
Blogger JillWrites said...

Came across your blog from your comment on Timmortal's. I, too, have the insane wanderlust that makes me restless. I've considered working on cruise ships as well. But right now, I'm just traveling via debt. So not a good plan.

10/19/2005 6:40 PM  
Blogger SirTalksALot said...

jill - debt or none, once the travel bug bites you gotta go! The debt follows or it sits with you....either way it's there and my thought for years was "i gotta pay it off first" but that didn't happen...so here I am, about to have the time of my life! Go for it!

nycalf - thanks for the positive energy buddy! Buddy..buddy...I seem to recall someone wanting a buddy pass. Too bad for them my mind was erased in training... Oh well. I guess they'll all go to waste. I'm calling ya tonight to hear about that date, BTW!

10/20/2005 5:21 PM  
Blogger Rowan Dawn said...

Well, congratulations! That's awesome. Ain't it wierd how life creeps up on us and one day we are like, OMG, I am the mother of a ten year old!?

Oh, wait! That's me, lol!

Good luck! And have fun and make lots of money and travel travel travel!

Hey, have you seen the flight attendent movie (View from the Top) with Mike Myers, Gwyneth Paltrow and Christina Applegate? It's hilarious!

10/23/2005 10:13 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

MSY - New Orleans
OGG - Maui

A few of my favorites running around the world.

Wow - how cool is that? Congratulations. You're going to have soooo much to blog about - I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts.

10/24/2005 12:12 PM  
Blogger Darcey said...

Honey, if you want me to show up at the airport with a basket of peaches, then that's what you'll get. And I only live 20 minutes (ish) from the airport. You call, I show up. :)

10/24/2005 2:35 PM  

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